Apprentice Level Review Sessions
Welcome to the Texas Master Beekeeper Apprentice level review sessions! These sessions are intended to help prepare you for the Apprentice level exam. They will not cover everything that you may see on the exam, but simply act as a refresher on the topics that you are expected to understand. Above each video is a link to the presentation slides in note-taking format. We encourage you to listen to the presentations, rather than just download the documents, since there is information covered in the narration that is not printed on the slides.
Beekeeping Equipment
Presentation slide document for: Beekeeping Equipment
Honey Bee Biology
Presentation slide document for: Honey Bee Biology
Honey Production and Products
Presentation slide document for: Honey Production and Products
Disease Management
Presentation slide document for: Disease Management
What’s Next for Apprentice Beekeepers
Presentation slide document for: What’s Next for Apprentice Beekeepers