Welcome to the Texas Master Beekeeper Program

The next TMBP Exam opportunity will be the Fall 2024 Exam, held Thursday, November 14th, 2024. The location of the Exam will be at the Austin Southpark Hotel (4140 Governors Row, Austin, Texas 78744). We look forward to seeing you all there.

More details about the Fall Exams can be found here: (https://extensionentomology.tamu.edu/masterbeekeeper/fall-2024-exam-registration/).


The Texas Master Beekeeper Program (TMBP) is an educational program designed to increase the knowledge and skill level of participating beekeepers. The program is a five-year (minimum) beekeeper training and certification program provided by the Texas Apiary Inspection Service in association with the Texas Beekeepers Association.

The Texas Master Beekeeper Program (TMBP) is modeled after the well-established University of Florida’s Master Beekeeper Program. By using this model, the TMBP is able to provide the beekeepers of Texas with a well-designed program that both increases the knowledge base of the beekeeper but also helps to educate the general public about beekeeping. This is done through public service credits; a requirement in this program.

It is the goal of the Texas Apiary Inspection Service that by providing this program we can increase the overall health of the apiary industry. The TMBP will accomplish this goal by producing highly knowledgeable beekeepers that can help lead the industry and act as honey bee ambassadors to the general public.

If you have any questions about the program, or you would like to be added to the Texas Master Beekeeper Program e-mail listserv, please contact the Texas Apiary Inspection Service using the “Give Us a Buzz” icon at the top of this page or e-mailing tais@ag.tamu.edu directly.