Please give the program board members 60 days’ notice prior to the testing date.
You MUST have your research project pre-approved by the TMBP board before you start your research project.
- Candidates must have held the Master Beekeeper rank for at least two years and kept bees at least five years. Additionally, the candidate must be a Texas registered beekeeper or a registered beekeeper in their home state. Click here to register as a Texas beekeeper.
- Updated Requirements for Candidates that have not already notified board of intent to test. Candidates must have 20 credits of public service work beyond those required for a Master Beekeeper. “Extra” public service credits obtained while certifying for the Advanced level and the Master Beekeeper level cannot be applied to the 20 total public service credits needed to achieve Master Craftsman status.
- Candidates must satisfy five (5) additional credits toward their major (for a total of eight (8) credits toward major – three [3] credits were completed in the Master Beekeeper level). If a student changes his major, he must satisfy eight (8) total credits toward new major unless previously acquired credits overlap with new major. Extra credits obtained while certifying for the Master Beekeeper level can be applied to the eight total major credits needed to achieve Master Craftsman status.
- Candidates must demonstrate expertise in eight (8) additional core credits outside their major and beyond that required for a Master Beekeeper.
- Candidates must demonstrate and document communication skills.
- Candidates must pass an oral examination. In addition to meeting all expectations for the earlier grades, individuals of the Master Craftsman level must demonstrate substantial knowledge of honey bee biology and behavior, bee management and the broader impact of honey bees in ecosystems and pollination apiculture. The candidate is tested by at least three individuals from the Master Beekeeper program board and others may be included. The candidate will be tested on one specific area of his or her choice and will notify the board of that selection at least ten days before the scheduled exam date. In addition a 30 minute PowerPoint presentation must be presented by the candidate on a subject assigned by the program board. The program board will assign the subject to the candidate at least 30 days before the scheduled exam date.
- Candidates must participate substantially in a Texas A&M University (or other university), Texas Apiary Inspection Service, or USDA sponsored research or extension project. In short, the candidate should participate substantially in a study or research project of university caliber rather than their own research initiative. To satisfy this research requirement a description of the research, a clear description of the candidate’s role in it, its potential outcomes and relevance to bee science or beekeeping must be received by the program board for approval prior to study involvement. The candidate will be required to present a 30 minute PowerPoint presentation on their research project and should expect to be questioned rigorously to the satisfaction of the program board to meet this requirement. The candidate will be expected to explain their contribution to the project and he or she should have a good working knowledge of all aspects of the research project and not just their area of contribution.