After successfully passing the Apprentice Beekeeper exam, the next step in the Texas Master Beekeeping Program is the Advanced Beekeeper level.
The Advanced Beekeeper level of the Texas Master Beekeeping Program is designed to help beekeepers deepen their expertise and expand their practical skills. Building on the foundation set in the Apprentice level, the Advanced level requires participants to complete specialized training modules, covering critical areas such as honey bee pests, parasites, pollination, and pesticides.
Advanced Requirements
To achieve the Advanced beekeeper distinction, you must have held the Apprentice Beekeeper rank for at least one year and have been a practicing beekeeper for at least two years. In addition, participants must pass both written and practical exams.
At the Advanced level, public service is also key. You must complete and document ten public service credits, which could involve anything from giving presentations to helping with local beekeeping initiatives. Although you’re encouraged to complete more than ten, any extra credits you earn can’t be carried over to higher levels in the program. These public service credits help you contribute to the broader beekeeping community while reinforcing your own knowledge and skills. Check upcoming events page to find testing dates or reach out to us at for more information.
Upon completion, candidates will receive a certificate, name tag, and Advanced patch.
1. Register with the Tracking Module ($10/year)
Candidates must be currently registered in the Texas Master Beekeeping Tracking Module. The Texas Master Beekeeping Tracking Module helps beekeepers monitor their progress through the program. This must be renewed each year to continue in the program. Click here to register in the Tracking Module
2. Apiary Inspection Registration
Candidates must have a current Beekeeper Registration on-file with the Texas Apiary Inspection Service OR be a registered beekeeper in their home state. Texas Beekeeper Registration applies to the listed beekeeper and their immediate family. Click here to register as a Texas beekeeper.
3. One Year as an Apprentice
Candidates must have held the Apprentice Beekeeper rank at least one year and have been a practicing beekeeper for at least two years.
4. Advanced 10-Week Course (Optional; $75)
Candidates can take the 10-week Advanced course. This course will prepare you for the Texas Master Beekeeper Program’s Advanced Level Test. This course will be 2-4 hours weekly, beginning February 11th, 2025. All sessions will be recorded for later viewing. If you prefer to attend the sessions live, please refer to the dates listed in the links below. Recordings will be available until October 2025 if you sign up after the live sessions.
NOTE: When you register for this course, you’ll also be pre-registered for the future exam of your choice.
Session 2 — 2/18/2025 — Bee Plants & Pollination
Session 3 — 2/25/2025 — Native Pollinators & Wasps
Session 4 — 3/4/2025 — Pesticides & Advanced Varroa Management
Session 5 — 3/11/2025 — Honey Bee Genetics
Session 6 — 3/18/2025 — Queen Rearing & Breeding
Session 7 — 3/25/2025 — Splitting & Diagnosing Queen Issues
Session 8 — 4/1/2025 — Extracting, Bottling, & Selling Honey
Session 9 — 4/8/2025 — Mentoring & Communication
Session 10 — 4/15/2025 — Beekeeping as a Business & Preparing for your Advanced Level Test
5. Pass Six Training Modules
Candidates must show proof of passing six (6) computerized honey bee training modules with a score of 80% or higher. The modules focus on (1) honey bee pests/parasites/pathogens, (2) social wasps & bees, (3) pollination biology, (4) pesticides and honey bees, (5) Africanized honey bees, and (6) honey judging.
These modules are available online here and the quizzes are available on the TMBP tracking module.
6. Ten Public Service Credits
Candidates must perform and document completion of ten (10) public service credits with the provided service credit documentation form. A candidate can, and is encouraged to, complete and submit more than ten public service credits prior to taking the Advanced Beekeeper examinations but the “extra” credits cannot be used toward satisfying credit requirements in higher program levels. Exams before Fall 2025 may use former requirement of 5 credits, but must use former rules as far as presentations to beekeeper groups (beekeeper presentations are only 1/2 credit with a maximum of 1 credit for the testing level).
PSCs are now documented on the TMBP Tracking Module. The following PSC Form may still be used and attached in the the Tracking Module: PSC Form
7. Recommended Reading List
Review the Advanced Level Study Guide before the exam. The questions will be very similar.
We highly recommend The Biology of the Honey Bee – Mark Winston (1991). In addition, the Increase Essentials-Lawrence John Connor (2006) is another great resources. The Texas Master Beekeeper Handbook will be available Fall 2025. This will be the primary resource for the program going forward.
We also recommend subscribing to these periodicals: American Bee Journal and Bee Culture.
8. Written and Practical Exam ($75; Free if Beekeepers Take Advanced 10-Week Course)
Practical Exam – Candidates must score 70% or higher on a practical examination. The practical exam can include, but is not limited to: scoring a jar of show honey, reading pesticide labels and determining which is the safest to use around bees, identifying several beekeeping items, examining honey labels for errors, distinguishing between bees, wasps, hornets, etc., and identifying the anatomical structures of a bee and a flower.