After successfully passing the Apprentice Beekeeper exam, the next step in the Texas Master Beekeeping Program is the Advanced Beekeeper level.
The Advanced Beekeeper level of the Texas Master Beekeeping Program is designed to help beekeepers deepen their expertise and expand their practical skills. Building on the foundation set in the Apprentice level, the Advanced level requires participants to complete specialized training modules, covering critical areas such as honey bee pests, parasites, pollination, and pesticides. The goal at this stage is to equip beekeepers with the knowledge to manage more complex challenges and make informed decisions in their apiaries.
To achieve the Advanced beekeeper distinction, you must have held the Apprentice Beekeeper rank for at least one year and have been a practicing beekeeper for at least two years. In addition, participants must pass both written and practical exams.
At the Advanced level, public service is also key. You must complete and document ten public service credits, which could involve anything from giving presentations to helping with local beekeeping initiatives. Although you’re encouraged to complete more than ten, any extra credits you earn can’t be carried over to higher levels in the program. These public service credits help you contribute to the broader beekeeping community while reinforcing your own knowledge and skills.
Advanced Level Review Sessions (Spring Test)
Sign up for our Advanced Level 10 Week Course (Summer 2025 and later Exams) & Your Exam Fee ($75 dollar value) is included!
Sign Up for the Texas Master Beekeeper Program Tracking Module